Thursday, March 31, 2011

How to relieve Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness

Symptoms of “morning sickness” may start at any time from the time of the first missed period, or not until the 10th week of pregnancy. Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day, in the morning, later in the day, or throughout the day. Roughly 75% of women suffer from morning sickness, and a small percentage of women experience ongoing symptoms beyond the first trimester.

To relieve morning symptoms

Try to have a low fat protein snack such as yoghurt or nuts immediately before bed. This can help to sustain you throughout the night, as morning sickness can be exacerbated by hunger.

In the morning before getting up, eat a plain biscuit or a banana. Remain in bed for about 15 minutes, then slowly rise and have a light breakfast.

For symptoms that persist during the day

Where possible, REST when your body calls for it. Put your feet up with your head slightly elevated and rest. Get help with home and work commitments wherever possible.

Eat small, frequent meals, ie 6 meals per day instead of 3. Some women find that nausea is reduced if they don’t have food and fluid at the same time.

Don’t take your emotions to mealtimes, create a calm atmosphere and allow yourself ample time to eat your meal.

Avoid high fat foods especially fried foods.

Avoid spicy foods and any foods that you know upset you.

If the smell of cooking or hot food makes you feel ill, try to eat cold foods instead.

Fluid Intake
Fluid intake is vital, especially if your symptoms are moderate to severe. Ensure you are getting enough fluid. 6-8 glasses per day is a minimum.

If you find water difficult to swallow at this time, try the following which can help you to get some nutrients and stay hydrated:
weak tea
diluted fruit or vegetable juices
flat lemonade
dry ginger ale
milk drinks
sports drinks

Still Struggling?
If you are really struggling even to keep down fluids, and you are already using the acupressure points suggested, an acupuncture treatment can help to more powerfully clear the nausea and vomiting. See also the information about the herbal capsules.

Snacking can help to reduce symptoms of nausea. Stick mostly with plain and bland foods at this stage:
- Toast with jam or honey
- Sandwiches with low fat fillings
- Baked potato with baked beans
- Low fat milk puddings and yoghurt
- Breakfast cereal with low fat milk
- Boiled or scrambled eggs
- Fruit salad, stewed or fresh fruit
- Low fat soups
- Cold meat/fish (home cooked)
- Boiled rice

Supplements that can assist
B6 can reduce severe nausea and vomiting, and is best taken as part of a B complex, or sourced from sesame seeds, chick peas, bananas, sweetcorn, raisins, hazelnuts
Magnesium is depleted by vomiting. Nuts, pumpkin seeds, beans, avocado and broccoli are good sources.
Zinc requirements increase during pregnancy, zinc deficiency can worsen nausea. Ginger is a good source of zinc.

Herbal Medicines
In your kit you have been given a course of anti-nausea herbal capsules.

These capsules are proven by research to reduce morning sickness, and do not contain ingredients that would harm the baby or compromise the pregnancy in any way.

Dose: 1-2 capsules each time, up to 4 times per day. Take only as needed.

Further information about this formula, including research trials conducted, please contact the clinic.

Still No Improvement?
If symptoms are severe despite following the earlier mentioned actions, please seek medical attention.

It is important that you are able to ingest appropriate amounts of nutrients and fluids to avoid dehydration and potential risks to the pregnancy.

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